Different types of worms can live in the human body. No one is safe from parasites, general information about helminths is important information for everyone. By knowing the ways of invasion and parasitism characteristics of various worms, it will be possible to significantly reduce the risk of infection. Consider the classification of worm species.
Roundworms are the most common type of worm. Another name for them is nematodes. This is a group of parasites whose body is round in cross-section. Their length varies from 5 mm to 40 cm. They are mainly located in the intestine, but can also be localized in other organs and tissues.
The high prevalence of this parasite is due to the ease of transmission. No need to change owner for development. Nematodes are transmitted from person to person or through the consumption of unwashed vegetables and fruits. Especially this type of mass helminthosis, called the disease of dirty hands, is diagnosed in children. Such representatives of nematodes inhabit the human body:
- Pinworms are small worms with a grayish body, 5-10 mm long. Localized in the intestine, it causes enterobiosis. Infection occurs when the eggs enter the body through the mouth. Within 2 weeks, the worm goes through the development period of a sexually mature individual. These parasites live for 1-2 months, disrupting the normal functioning of the digestive system and leading to exhaustion. What the worm looks like can be seen in the photo.
- Roundworms are large worms that cause ascariasis. The length of their spindle-shaped body is 20-40 cm. It parasitizes in the small intestine, but in the process of development it penetrates the liver, heart, and lungs. Worms migrating through the body damage internal organs and channels. The life span of parasites is 12-14 months. Infection with them has a negative effect on health, causes allergies, indigestion, internal bleeding, intestinal obstruction. In children, roundworms can cause developmental delay. The way of infection is through unwashed hands and dirty products.
- Vlasoglavy - worms with a body 3-5 cm long, localized in the large intestine. It sticks to its walls and absorbs blood. It causes trichuria. It is a very poisonous parasite, so it poisons the body a lot. The life span is up to 5 years. All this time, it causes problems with appetite and stool, anemia and abdominal pain. Intestinal injection can cause acute appendicitis.
- Trichinella - worms no more than 2-5 mm in length. Despite their small size, they cause a serious disease - trichinosis. Its symptoms are fever, swelling, allergies, high temperature. You can get infected through game, pork. These worms affect the muscle tissues, especially the muscles of the face, as well as the respiratory tract. After 3-4 weeks, the larvae entering the muscles are encapsulated. It is recovering. But with a massive infection, a fatal outcome is possible.
- Toxocara is a parasitic worm in the body of dogs. The tuber resembles a worm because it has the same spindle-shaped body 15-30 cm long. When its larvae enter the human body, toxocarosis occurs. In the human body, toxocariasis cannot develop into an adult, so their larvae migrate throughout the body, causing internal organs, allergies and other disorders.
How intense the symptoms of infection with roundworms will be depends on the number of worms entering the body, as well as the state of human health.
Tapeworms or cestodes take the main role among the most dangerous worms that occur in humans. Considering their huge size, which can reach 18 m, it becomes clear how harmful they are to health. Cestodes are divided into tapeworms and tapeworms. They require a change of owner to complete their full life cycle. A mandatory stage of development is the presence in the body of ungulates. Consider a brief description of the most common representatives of the species:
- Broad tapeworm - a 10-15 m long worm that causes the development of diphyllobothriaz. It is located in the small intestine after a person ingests raw or undercooked (undercooked) freshwater fish infected with worm eggs. It causes severe abdominal pain, anemia, indigestion. This helminth, like most cestodes, has a scary appearance.
- Tapeworm is a worm that enters the body as a result of eating contaminated pork. Parasitizing the intestines, these 8-meter worms cause the development of teniasis accompanied by severe indigestion, nervous dysfunctions, and allergies.
- Bull tapeworm - a type of tapeworm that reaches 18 m in length. It is one of the largest human worms. It leads to the development of teniarhynchosis, intestinal obstruction, physical and nervous exhaustion. You can become infected with this worm by eating infected beef. The worm is localized in the small intestine.
- Echinococcus is a tapeworm that is parasitic in the body of cats and dogs. Humans are an intermediate host for this parasite, but nevertheless, worm larvae cause the development of a very complex disease, echinococcosis. Worm eggs develop to the larval stage, penetrate the tissues of any organ and quickly form cysts. They can only be removed surgically.
Flukes or trematodes are a type of worm with suckers on the surface of the body. With their help, worms dig into the walls of internal organs and tissues and thus feed, absorb nutrients and blood. The bodies of these helminths have a flat shape, the length can reach 1. 5 m. Visually, it looks like a tree leaf. The main source of trematode infection is the consumption of poorly cooked or fried fish and seafood. In the development process, they should change 1-2 intermediate owners. The main types of parasites in the human body:
- Liver flu is a helminth that causes the development of opisthorchosis. Its length reaches 7-20 mm. Affects bile, liver and pancreatic ducts. Against the background of infection with this parasite, ulcers, cholecystitis and pancreatitis develop. Learn more about liver congestion.
- Fluke - 8-13 mm long worm that parasitizes the gallbladder as well as its ducts. In the early stages of the invasion, high fever, pain in muscles and joints, indigestion are present, then the symptoms are less pronounced. This proves that the disease has passed into a chronic stage.
Treatment - drugs for all types of worms
It is necessary to take anthelmintic drugs to destroy the worms. But first you need to determine which particular type of helminthosis affects the body. Medicines are selected based on the results of the diagnosis. They are divided into 2 types:
- narrow-purpose - prescribed for the destruction of several types of helminths;
- widely targeted - considered universal, because they destroy almost all types of worms, they are suitable for preventing helminthic invasion.
The most popular are anthelmintic tablets and suspensions containing the following active ingredients:
- mebendazole;
- Pyrantel;
- piperazine;
- carbendazim;
- Levamisole;
- Pyrvinium embonate;
- Albendazole.
The regimen, as well as the duration of treatment with tablets, should be determined by the doctor, because anthelmintic drugs have many contraindications and side effects.
In addition, you can use folk recipes during anthelmintic therapy. Many plants are characterized by anthelmintic properties - garlic, onions, pumpkin seeds, herbs, spices, ginger. Based on them, anthelmintic infusions, decoctions and other remedies are prepared, the use of which will help to cleanse the body.
The defeat of all types of worms causes major health problems. Given their danger, it is important to take preventive measures that will help reduce the risk of infection. For this, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, eat only meat and fish that have undergone complete heat treatment, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
Contact your doctor at the first sign of infection. The less worms live in the body, the easier it is to get rid of the consequences of parasitism.
What parasites do we know about in the human body?
The human body is an ideal platform for the life and reproduction of most microorganisms, including helminths. Each species has its own morphological differences and characteristics. You need to know what the representatives of helminths look like and what is the difference between them.
Parasites are a widespread pathological condition in the human body. The characteristics of the structure and type of helminths directly depend on the class to which they belong.
There are three major classes of parasites that pose a threat to human life and health:
- flat worms (class tape);
- roundworms (class Nematodes);
- flukes (Class Trematodes).
All parasites in the human body, regardless of their class and species, are in great danger.
All representatives of the main classes can be parasites in the body of both adults and children. Consider the most famous representatives and the differences between them.
Features of the Tape class
Representatives of the species are also called flatworms. This name was given to them due to the structural features of the body, which is flat in shape. There are over 1, 500 species of tapeworms. The most dangerous representatives of this class for humans were united by the common name Cestode.
A characteristic feature of all worms is their body, which has a ribbon-like shape and is divided into segments. Body sizes can vary in length - from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. On the front of the worm there is a scolex - a head that carries the organs necessary for fixation - teats, proboscis. After the head is the neck and then there are many segments.
The neck zone is responsible for the growth of helminths, so the young segments are located near the head, and the old ones are located towards the tail part of the body. Each older segment contains male and female reproductive systems, i. e. it is considered hermaphrodite.
wide band
This representative of the species is considered the largest among all parasitic worms. There were cases of its length reaching 20 meters. The head of the worm has an oval shape, it has two narrow slits, with the help of which the helminth can stick to the surface and change the position of its body.
Tapeworm, like all representatives of flatworms, is hermaphrodite. Its mature segments form eggs, which then exit the uterine cavity. Worm eggs can be yellow to brown in color, with a cap on one end and a tubercle on the other.
Pig tapeworm (armed tapeworm)
The next representative of the class Tapeworms. Its body is white and can reach 5 meters in length. The name "armed" went to the helminth due to the presence of a double corolla of hooks located in the scolex. The segments are quadrate and hermaphrodite.
In the middle of each segment are the uterus and the ovaries, which are located between the uterus and the vagina. The testicles are located on the sides of the female reproductive system.
unarmed tapeworm
This representative is also called bull tapeworm. Compared to the tapeworm, the pig became "unarmed" due to the lack of hooks on its head. The bull tapeworm is the second largest tapeworm after the broad tapeworm. In its structure, it is completely similar to the armed tape. There is also a white color. Parasitic worms multiply in the intestines of the intermediate or primary host.
All tapeworms in the human body look the same. It is possible to distinguish the species only with the help of laboratory studies.
Representatives of trematodes and their description
Flukes are human parasites that can cause serious diseases. The main representatives of the class of medical interest:
- cat trap;
- lanceolate fluke;
- pulmonary congestion;
- liver tumor.
A feature of the body of worms of this class is the presence of all kinds of connections for adhesion and movement: spikes, suckers and other devices. The length of their bodies varies from a few millimeters to 4-5 cm. All of them have a pink or grayish color, an elongated shape in the form of a leaf.
Cat saliva is a small helminth. Its body length reaches 1. 5 cm, it has an elongated shape, slightly expanded towards the tail. There are two teats in front of the body, which distinguishes it from other representatives. The male reproductive system is closer to the tail, and the uterus occupies an intermediate position. It is large and contains many eggs.
The body of the lung has a brown color, looks like an ellipse or a coffee bean. The shape of the helminth is oval, wide. The whole body of the worm is covered with small spike-like formations that participate in movement from the outside and change its position in space.
The length of the lanceolate fluke reaches 8-10 mm. The tip of the head and the tail are slightly elongated. Below the belly button is the male reproductive system in the form of two testicles, as well as the female, which is represented by an ovary and the body of the uterus. Abdominal sucker is close to the oral cavity.
Nematodes and their diversity
The types of helminths in this class are called roundworms. Their body has a rounded shape while drawing a cut, which is the basis for such a name. The ends of the body of nematodes are pointed and elongated. Vlasoglav, human roundworm, pinworm and trichinella are the main representatives that cause most human helminthiasis. Worms look like this:
- Pinworm is a parasitic helminth in the large intestine. More often it causes the development of diseases in children. Representatives are small in size, the body of the female is twice as large as the male. Pinworms are whitish, sometimes gray. There is a swelling in front of the body where the worm can stick to the walls of the intestine.
- The human roundworm is a helminth that reaches half a meter in length. The female is about 2 times larger than the male. The body has an oval shape that extends in the front and back directions. There is a slight bend from the side of the tail towards the side of the belly. The movement of helminths takes place with the help of a well-developed muscle layer located under an impenetrable shell consisting of many layers.
- Vlasoglav can differ in the color of its body. It can be white or red-gray. The front part of the worm is much thinner than the back. On the back are all the organs of helminths. The worm has a small length - from 3 to 5 cm. The female differs from the male in the curvature of the tail. In females, the tail has a spiral shape, and in males, it is located in the form of an arch.
- Trichinella - the smallest representatives of the class. Their size is only a few millimeters. Visually, they are thread-like worms with a body narrowed in front and covered with a cuticle.
Intestinal giardia belongs to the order Diplomonads of the flagellate class. This is a separate type of worm that is dangerous for the human body, especially for children. Giardiasis is caused by parasites.
The body of Giardia is pear-shaped, the front end is round and wide. The posterior end is sharp and slightly narrowed. The size of the representatives of the class is so small that it is impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye.
Determining intestinal worms is possible only in laboratory conditions.
A feature of the parasite's body is the presence of two nuclei and two sets of organelles. Organelles include two medial bodies and eight flagella.
Symptoms and treatment of parasites in human lungs
Not everyone knows that there are worms in the lungs, it is not so easy to recognize the symptoms of the disease. The topic of parasites in the body is often unnecessarily ignored by most people, believing that it does not concern them. However, many people are infected with parasites. The difficulty in detecting worms is that there are thousands of species. Symptoms of the presence of parasites are similar to symptoms of diseases. In the medical literature, more than one clinical case is described in which a patient was treated by several specialized doctors and only one could replace them - a parasitologist.
Ways of infection with worms

They can be different:
- contact with an animal carrier of pathogens of parasites;
- the use of thermally unprocessed foods containing eggs of parasites;
- bathing in parasite-infested ponds and lakes;
- injection of parasites through the skin.
Residents of rural areas are most often infected with parasites. They are more likely to come into contact with infected animals. The risk of invasion increases when vegetable gardens and fields are fertilized with undisinfected manure.
When worm larvae enter the gastrointestinal tract of a person with vegetables grown in his garden, it is far from an isolated case. The intestines are a very favorable environment for the development and life of helminths. Parasites that consume food intended for humans multiply rapidly in conditions that are easy for them to live, and they poison the patient's body with the products of their life activity. It can cause allergies, nausea, vomiting and liver disease in humans. From the intestine, the larval embryos enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body (for example, to the lungs, liver, brain). After settling in any organ, worms begin to reproduce actively and cause diseases of this organ. It is rare that the true cause of the disease is correctly identified. The degree of damage depends on the state of the immune system.
Signs of helminthic invasion of the lungs

When infected with worms, the symptoms of the disease vary depending on the number of helminths in the body, the invasive route and human immunity. In the lungs, worms rarely appear immediately after penetrating the body. They can live there for several years, waiting for the immune system to weaken. When a person has parasites in his lungs, the symptoms are similar to those observed in pneumonia and bronchitis:
- shortness of breath;
- heat;
- cough without sputum;
- headache, nausea, vomiting;
- snoring;
- decrease in visual acuity and contrast;
- manifestations of allergies;
- loss of appetite
Larvae of lungworms entering the blood develop and change the tissues of this organ. There are formed capsules and adhesions. As a result of damage to the lungs, failures in their work are noted. Tumors, emphysema, pleurisy, pneumosclerosis may occur.
What types of worms can enter the lungs?
By knowing which parasites live in the lungs, the degree of organ damage can be assessed more objectively.
Toxoplasma is a pathogenic protozoa that causes toxoplasmosis. The patient's brain and spinal cord, liver, eyes are affected. Tomography reveals extensive pneumosclerosis, many calcifications. Calcifications form dead parasites in the lungs.
Ascaris eggs enter the gastrointestinal tract and cause ascariasis. In the places where the worms penetrate the lung tissue, a trace of mechanical damage is formed. The body reacts with the formation of tissue edema, infiltrates.
Lung cysticercosis is caused by tapeworm larvae. They enter the lungs through the bloodstream. Parasites in the lungs form a fibrous capsule.
Echinococcosis of the lungs develops as a result of tapeworms entering the respiratory system. Cestodes form parasitic cysts with a fibrous membrane in the lungs. If the parasite dies, the capsule deflates and calcifies. Echinococcosis can be unicameral or multicameral. Gradually the cyst grows. Parasites live in human lungs for several years. Sometimes suppuration develops, pus can enter the pleural cavity or bronchi.
Diagnosis and treatment
Lungworms are detected using the following studies:
- blood test;
- X-rays of light;
- serological examination methods;
- lung ultrasound;
- tomography.
Fluorography and radiography play the main role in the diagnosis of lungworms.
The disease is treated with anthelmintic drugs that kill parasites. Pharmacies sell many effective drugs. Only an experienced doctor can correctly assess the symptoms and treatment. Parasites always exhaust the body, destroy the immune system, so the treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at strengthening the body.
Infection with parasites occurs through dirty vegetables and herbs, improperly cooked fish and meat, garden soil, dirty water bodies. Parasite larvae develop by consuming nutrients and can live in the body for several years. The waste products of parasites poison a person, affect his brain, blood, liver, lungs, immune system, and do not cause an acute condition for years. If it is not taken into account, it can lead to severe diseases up to cancer, which can lead to the death of the patient. Care must be taken to prevent the spread of parasites.